This site belongs to a member of UKLINUX.NET - the UK's free sofware ISP.
This page is here because the user has not yet added any content to their web space.
If you come back soon, there will probably be lots of great content here.
If you are looking for a great ISP and an ideal way to contribute financially to the Free Software/Open Source movement then why not consider signing up with UKLINUX.NET.
All you pay is your phone bill with all calls to UKLINUX.NET being charged at local rate (0845 numbers) and we receive a percentage of the call revenue.
All profits from UKLINUX.NET are used to fund Free Software/Open Source projects and the spread of Free/Open Source Software.
We'll be offering advanced facilities in addition to the usual ISP offerings. These will include Unified Messaging, so that you can receive fax and voice messages as well as email, and full PHP and Perl support for your web sites with MySQL database support.